Friday, March 8, 2019

4 day food journal!

The number one request I have gotten since starting Faster Way to Fat Loss over a year ago is to post a food journal! I have tons of meal ideas here, two big Q&A posts here and here, I chat about my favorite protein shake recipes here and the snacks we love in THIS post - but you all really still wanted to see it all come together for a full day!

Today I am filling you in on four days of my food journal... two low carb days and two regular days. As part of the Faster Way to Fat Loss program you will eat a few days a week low carb and the remaining days will have PLENTY of healthy carbs. This isn't the KETO diet (which can be difficult to maintain) but instead this program focuses on carb cycling. So it's taking advantage of some of the benefits of the KETO diet on a low carb day but making it extremely approachable by limiting the days you have to eat low carb.

I have been hesitant to write this post for a few reasons so let's talk about some things to keep in mind with this "food journals." My macro calculations will be different than yours. Everyone in Faster Way has similar macro percentages but different macro totals.  I won't include servings sizes here because again - everyone's macro counts are different. If you want to recreate a day here I suggest taking your own macro goals into account and then enter the meals into My Fitness Pal BEFORE you eat them to tweak what works for your macros. I've also been hesitant to post these because I'm NOT PERFECT. There is no such thing as a "perfect" day for me for food. I often repeat meals, munch on too many snacks, have a huge appetite or a small appetite or just in general don't make the best decisions.  I'm human, basically.  Also keep in mind that while the program calls for dairy free and gluten free I don't follow that anymore. I was about 90% DF/GF for my first round but now I eat both in moderation.

As you can see from my food log - this program is so easy to follow as a lifestyle. I'm not limiting carbs to the point of frustration, I'm still enjoying LOTS of yummy carbs, lots of delicious meals and there is plenty of room to hit the drive-thru or eat out from time to time too. It's ALL about balance. I have good days and bad days and good meals and so-so meals but it all balances out. It's also NOT about putting tons of guilt on the food we are eating. This program has taught me how to splurge, when to pass on the treats and when to work treats into my schedule too.  We eat a lot of turkey (ground turkey!) these days... I realized once I pulled this post together. But if chicken or beef or pork works better for your family - feel free to swap out the turkey for what you prefer. The Faster Way lifestyle does not dictate the exact foods you eat... instead it teaches you how to enjoy the foods you like best as it works for you and your family.

Also since I follow a 16/8 Intermittent Fasting protocol - meaning I fast 16 hours a day and fulfill my macro goals in 8 hours a day - I get questions about "breakfast" and "lunch" and how I plan for them. Even with Intermittent Fasting I eat 3 full meals a day and usually one snack too. Other gals do it differently - this is just how I do it. I usually break my fast at 11am with Breakfast, then eat Lunch at 1 or 1:30 followed by a Snack at about 3pm and then Dinner at 6pm. If I have any macros left over I will have a small snack after dinner as well and then be done eating by 7pm.

Also friends! Keep in mind that the next Faster Way round starts SOONYou can sign up here - you won't regret it... and if you have any questions feel free to comment here, email me, dm me - whatever works. I am happy to answer any questions!

Day 1 - Low Carb

You can find my chia pudding recipe here. I like it with raspberries, blackberries, slivered almonds & cacao nibs on top.This is my favorite low carb breakfast! The chia, berries, almonds and cacao nibs are FULL of fiber which balances any carbs that are present. 

Turkey Taco Salad
We had tacos for dinner last night so I take the leftover meat and make a quick salad with greens, avocado slices and a little shredded cheese on top. I like to use salsa as a salad dressing.

I love kombucha and while it's not super low carb I can usually squeeze it into my macros as a low carb treat. Skinny Dipped Almonds are also my favorite low carb "treat." These two take care of my mid-day carb cravings.

This is a family favorite - everyone goes nuts for this super easy combo! I usually double or triple this recipe because my family eats so much of it and I like to have left overs. 

Day 2 - Low Carb

Almond Milk Latte & Egg Bites
If I am on the go for low-carb day this is my go-to combo from Starbucks. It's not the best, but it's not the worst. I will order a Grande Almond Milk Latte with Sugar Free Vanilla syrup (I take mine decaf) and order the Sous Vide Egg White Bites too.  

"Snacking Plate"
This is one of my favorite ways to eat lunch. I just take a bunch of random items from the fridge and pantry and it's a meal. For this one I did salami, celery sticks filled with cream cheese, spicy pickles, raspberries, half an avocado and chili lime cashews. This platter has plenty of fats (which are important for feeling full on low carb day), protein and fiber.

I'm not a huge fan of plain almonds but I am driving the kids around after school and feeling hungry and find some my husband has stashed in the glove compartment! They do the trick!

Meatballs and zoodles (zuchhini spirals that look like noodles) is another super easy go-to low carb meal in our house. I make regular pasta for the kids and my husband and I enjoy the zoodles. It's a classic meatball and pasta meal made low-carb friendly. I like a little sprinkle of cheese on top too.

Day 3 - Regular Day

This is my go-to breakfast almost every "regular" day. I usually add spinach to mine and sometimes I will do a scoop and a half of protein powder instead of just one scoop.

I'm in the car all day for appointments and errands and have to eat on the go. In a pinch I will grab an RX bar, a green juice and a packet of collagen peptides and keep them in my car until lunch. It's not perfect, but it's not terrible either.

Kombucha & Microwave Skinny Pop popcorn
Kombucha is my favorite and I love it for an afternoon snack. The microwave Skinny Pop popcorn is a fun afternoon treat that fits my macros great when I need some extra carbs.

Our family is nuts for this turkey burger recipe. I will eat mine with half the bun - open face style. I always grab plenty bagged salads at Trader Joes for the week. They are so easy to serve with dinner without buying a million ingredients.

Red Vines
I had three Red Vines after dinner and they were DIVINE. Not the BEST way to spend my carb macros but a girl has to live a little!

Day 4 - Regular Day

I am a creature of habit!

Salmon & Salad
I'm meeting my husband for lunch and my go-to for eating out and staying healthy is ordering a salad with grilled salmon. It's one of my favorite combos and it's usually pretty easy to calculate the macros  by looking at the portion before digging in. I will get the dressing on the side to help calculate the macros on that.

Starbucks Refresher & RX Bar
I'm out and about again and need a snack on the go. The Starbucks Refreshers are my weakness. I try to save them for just a few times a week. And I always have RX Bars in my purse.

My kids love this meal and it's such a cozy meal on a winter's night. I use Kodiak cakes that are packed with protein to make waffles, frozen fruit warmed up in the micro for "syrup" and make some eggs for the side.  It seems like a treat but it fits my macros perfectly for the day.


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