Saturday, November 20, 2010

13 of 30... confession time.

I am SO not a rule breaker. Ask my husband. If a door says "EXIT", I won't dare enter through it. If the light just turned yellow, hold your horses, because we are stopping. Not a single speeding ticket is on my record. If someone charges me wrong at a store or a checkout (in my favor even) I tell them and pay the correct amount. And the few rules that I have broken, drinking in college at a "dry" campus, and, um, either I can't think of another rule I've broken or I don't want to admit it - yes, for the broken rules... I do them WAY WAY under the radar.

But I have broken one of the cardinal rules of the 30/30 Challenge and I am here to fess up.

I bought a new pair of jeans and swapped them out for a pair originally in my 30. (HUGE CRINGE). Don't kill me!

See when I started the challenge I knew I wanted/needed a new pair of skinny jeans. And I almost bought a pair the day before, but then I didn't. Then I wore the skinny jeans that I specifically chose for the challenge several times during the challenge (here & here & here & here) and really the fact of the matter is that they are cheap F21 jeans that don't fit that great and tend to be uncomfortable.

Pair that with the Friends & Family Day at Gap last weekend (WEAK, I AM SO WEAK!) and a pair that I found there for $28.99 (+30% off) and I caved. Caved hard core. I hope Kendi isn't voting any of us off the island.

The good news is that the old pair of skinny jeans will go to Goodwill for someone that will hopefully fit in them better. And the bad news is I am a big cheater. Boo.

Do you still love me?

Don't these new ones look so fab?

They even have the same zipper as the original pair. I thought about sneaking them by you all... not even telling you I had swapped out a pair. Would you have noticed? But like following the rules... I can't lie. I'm terrible at it.


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