Now I am not keeping super good count, but it's day five and I am pretty sure that I have worn these jeans three times. This is not so mix-y and match-y. And also, darn it if I knew I wanted new skinny jeans and didn't act on it. Don't get me wrong, I like this pair... but I don't know if I love-them-want-to-marry them. And I'd really like a pair of skinnies that I could commit to walking down the aisle in, err... loving for the rest of my life. But now I realize what must be done... new skinnies MUST be purchased once the Challenge is over. This moment of clarity was brought to you via Kendi. Thanks for the clarity, Challenge, I appreciate it.

Speaking of clarity and this challenge. Don't they say that when you fast (you know... no eating) that you are able to gain clarity spiritually, mentally and creatively? This is like a "fast" for shopping... once the Challenge is over we should have 100% clarity on what new items we need or don't need. Hmmm... I like the sound of that.

If you are doing the Challenge... have you had a moment of clarity yet?

Outfit details can be found here... Also the gorgeous necklace and bracelet are courtesy of Towne & Reese. I am absolutely IN LOVE with them... click here for shopping locations. Also, ALL of their pieces are under $50. Seriously, check them out!
And the best news is that the generous folks at Shop Queen Street will give you a 10% discount on any Towne & Reese items by mentioning "GOODLIFE" at the checkout! Now you have no excuse to not treat yourself!