Wednesday, October 2, 2019

fall wardrobe basics!

You guys know me... I am alllll about the wardrobe basics for any seasons, but especially for fall. A few key layering pieces, a few sweaters, some great jeans and some versatile accessories are all you need for lots of outfit combinations. I don't think you need a ton of clothes to still make a TON of great outfits!

Today I pulled together my favorite fall basics based on items I own and love to wear this time of year. Consider it your fall style cheat sheet! You can choose an item from each line or so and mix and match for some great fall outfits! I would pair the trench coat, the leopard sweaterblack jeans and mules for a cute cool fall day look! Or you could pair the utility jacketgraphic teedistressed jeans and sneakers for a weekend day on the sidelines or running errands. The cardigan with the cream blouseblue jeans and ankle boots would be a classic casual look for the office to evening mom duties.  The options are endless!

fifth row, from left: mulessneakersankle bootsloafers


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