Thursday, July 7, 2011

my summer essentials...

I've had so much fun getting the inside scoop on some fab bloggers' Summer Essentials... haven't you?  Today I'm going to feature mine...

1. White shorts and jeans... I'm almost wearing one or the other every day it seems like lately.  They are just TOO easy to throw on with any top!

2. My sun hat... I take it every where and it gets a lot of use!  Best couple of bucks I ever spent.  It keeps me cool and keeps the sun off of my nose which always seems to burn.

3. Gin and Tonics... this is my favorite way to unwind after a long day in the sun and heat.  My husband mixes them up the best.  I always like to let the ice melt to water it down a bit... 

4. My Kate Spade tote... usually it holds my laptop and other boring stuff. But for the summer I can stash it with hoodies for the kids, magazines for the pool, sunscreen, the camera - you name it!

5) Top knots... my hair is the longest it has been in forever, I'll be happy to start styling it up again in the fall, but for now a top knot is just perfect!


Did you miss any of your favorite bloggers!?!? If so... here's a quick run-down!  A huge thanks to each of these ladies for sharing!


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