Thursday, September 12, 2019

my everyday style: fall stripes!

If this sweater doesn't scream pumpkin pie, apple cider, crispy leaves, cozy fireplace snuggles and football season... I don't know what does! It's FALL Y'ALL! haha!

I purchased this sweater over my birthday weekend which was the end of July... and I have been (not so) patiently waiting and waiting to wear it! It's fabulous. And it was well worth the wait. You know me, I don't often go for bold colors or patterns so this piece is a little out of my comfort zone. But also not, somehow. The colors make a bold statement together but on their own they are still quite neutral. I've already worn this sweater twice on cool-ish days and I can't wait to wear it more as the weather continues to cool!

Here I paired it with distressed jeans, sneakers and a belt bag for a super easy mom-on-the-go look. This is the perfect everyday fall look or weekend look for heading out for fall activities. I love the casual and cozy vibes of fall. How could you not?!?

But here is the most pressing fall issue right now: how do you feel about candy corn?!?! I know it's a hot topic and I am kind of team "both" - I can have a few pieces and then I get grossed out. SO I love it and hate it both. What about you? This image of candy corn that floated around last fall gave me a new appreciation for it. I have to admit.

Outfit Details:
Sweater - shop it here or here (this runs a little big, size down if you want it more fitted, I am in my usual size small)


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