Wednesday, November 7, 2018

my everyday style: staying sane during the holidays!

News flash... Thanksgiving is in TWO weeks. It's that time of year - especially for moms - where ISH gets crazy.  Who's hosting what? What dishes does everyone need to bring? Where are you going to stash the gifts to be able to actually find them this year? There is so much cooking and baking to be done. Christmas lists are stacking up. The to-do list is LONG and quite frankly a little overwhelming.   All the holiday activities can bring so much JOY but they can be super stressful as well. Add in some family drama and for some, the sadness that creeps in at the holidays - and it's no wonder we are all left a little spent, albeit blessed when the whole thing is over.  I'm personally taking some time BEFORE all the madness starts to set some intentions and priorities to stay SANE this time of year.  As I looked over my to-do list (baking, shopping, wrapping, decorating), my want-to-do list (outdoor decorations, family time like a Christmas movie night) and my it-probably-won't-get-done-but-a-girl-can-dream list (making sure the gift wrap is perfectly coordinated, host friends for Christmas cocktails, finally come up with a Christmas Eve meal tradition)  - I saw the list was missing one big component.  My list was entirely about doing for others - which HELLO, is the point of the holidays - but if I'm so busy doing doing doing for others I just KNOW I will end up burnt out and grumpy at the end.  Which is the opposite of what the holidays are about.

I would rather not drag my burnt out self over the finish line come Christmas break... but instead soak in every moment with my family enjoying the reason WHY we celebrate the season for the entire holiday season, because it is SO special and really SO fun if we make it!  So I decided that for November and December I am going to actively work to schedule in some me-time to keep me sane.  For me that means taking a hot bath in the evening (with the bathroom door locked!), making sure appointments like hair cuts/colors and mani/pedis are scheduled so I make sure they get done (I always feel my best with fresh hair and nails), I'll maybe even schedule a massage, make sure I have a lunch or coffee date with a friend on the books and hopefully a holiday date night as well.  They are simple little things... but penciling them in NOW versus trying to squeeze them in when the schedule gets hectic will make sure they get completed.  That way I can serve my family during this special time with my best foot forward.  I am also making sure that I keep in mind my 6 self care tips that actually work.  With this plan in place I am feeling really good about a stress free holiday... how are you feeling about the holidays so far? Stress mounting? You've got this? Let me know in the comments!

Of course STRESS FREE outfits never hurt either... I've been searching for a trench coat to love for what seems like forever. Just a CLASSIC and SIMPLE trench that is also affordable.  I think I finally found it and I've actually been wearing it a lot. My exact trench is no longer available but I found this one that is almost exactly the same. Paired with a cozy cashmere turtleneck (this one is a great price!), skinny jeans and loafers it's the perfect outfit for getting that holiday list DONE in style and comfort.  This clutch is SO fun and albeit a little impractical I have been loving it for fall date nights or brunching.  While I am all about comfort and practicality, sometimes a girl has to have fun with her wardrobe as well. You know?

Outfit Details:


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