Monday, March 5, 2018

my everyday style: bonjour Monday!

Hello friends!! Who is ready to start another week STRONG!?!? I have a busy one coming up but I'm vowing to shake these winter blues I've been battling for January and February and kick life up a notch for March.  Anyone else? It's by no means spring yet, but the sun is shining a little more regularly and the temps are bearable and I'm just ready to be done with winter, even if it's only in my mind.

I'm officially saying BONJOUR to Monday and to spring and to fresh starts today and it feels great. I'm also just getting back into the swing of things today after having a sick kiddo home with me last week, so I feel more ready to tackle a Monday than usual. I love and thrive on schedule and consistency.  Anyone else?

The minute I saw this 'bonjour' sweater I knew it had to be mine! My love for all things French started when I took French class in junior high and then continued it all through high school.  I remember it being one of my toughest classes, but now that I look back I wish I would have stuck with it longer.  I soooo wish I still spoke it.  I've thought about ordering some French workbooks from Amazon to get practicing again (is that nerdy or what!?!?) and of course, I love popping into Duolingo to brush up (have you ever tried that app? Its so fun and addicting!).  So yes, this sweater came home with me in a hot French second.  Let's talk about the rest of this little almost-spring-outfit... a denim jacket and black jeans are always a great no-brainer option. And to be honest, I think it looks way more pulled together than what it feels, so that's always a win in my book.  Both the jeans and the jacket are SUPER budget finds. That's a win-win. Or as the French say 'victoire-victoire' (when workbooks and Duolingo fail there is always Siri for those last minute translations).

Outfit Details:
Jacket (under $30!)
Jeans (under $30!)


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