Monday, November 6, 2017

my everyday style: the fair isle!

Oh Monday! You little devil. After a crazy busy weekend it's a breathe of fresh air to get back to a routine. For me that means an easy and comfortable outfit, splurging on a almond milk chai latte and spending the day at my desk to get ahead of what the week has to offer.  This past weekend was our last travel weekend for soccer until spring. Whew. Travel soccer can be so fun and rewarding, but let me tell you... the actual travel part is a beast. I'm so happy to be home and settled this morning.  I'm such a homebody, so there is nothing better than being back in my cozy place to regroup for a busy week.

Do you have any Monday morning rituals that help you feel more productive for the week? I would love to hear them!  Being self employed I never feel like I have the Sunday "scaries" for the week ahead, but I do always feel incredibly overwhelmed on Monday. I feel like there never is going to be enough time to complete everything I need to complete so I always end up completely frantic on a Monday with like 10 working to-do lists.  Which is never a good thing.

I'll tell you what I don't mind on a Monday though... a cozy sweater and over the knee boots.  When fall decided to arrive, it wasn't kidding (and actually feels more like winter). So I'm loving layering sweaters, jackets and boots right now to stay warm and comfortable all day.

Outfit details:
Jeans - on sale!


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