In my opinion, it's always worth it to invest in handbags. They are the one item you use every single day and they really get a lot of abuse so you want something that lasts under pressure. My bag is always in and out of the car 50 million times a day, dragged around stores, sits on the floor of dirty sports facilities and fields while I watch my kids and lugs everything from my wallet to a veritable buffet of snacks, toys and on and on. I really need a larger tote or satchel type handbag and I prefer one with an open top (rather than a flap) and of course, I would prefer leather.
I've been terribly indecisive on choosing one and I don't know why! (maybe because I just want one of each!) Here are my top contenders right now...
1. tartine tote
3. mercer isle
6. maison bag
Tough decisions... what are your gals' thoughts? Any one that stands out to you?
I would love your input!