I just bought this plaid top from Madewell... can't wait to get it in the mail. I've been wanting something plaid for a while and I love this classic print. I hope it fits!
The day the Birchbox comes in the mail is a good one!
Cool mornings and warm coffee. What is better?
Bed head after naps comes in a close second. I couldn't make my hair look this J.Crew-catalog-cool if I tried, but napping can whip it up in no time!
A few baby pumpkins on the coffee table.
A simple fall outfit.
My cuties, I just love snapping pictures of them. They are looking so grown up lately!
Our church just started a New Testament Challenge... we are all trying to read the whole thing in 8 weeks. This The Books of the Bible (NIV), New Testament
version makes the reading a snap!