This one I saw at Walmart last week (I know, I know... I hate that place. But for reals they have some cheap stuff there. I never check the clothing, but just happened to that trip). I thought it would be perfect bought in a size too big as a bathing suit cover up. Maybe with the sleeves rolled up messy, but just-so. Also, in the store it looked cuter. You can kind of tell from this picture, but it has a deep v-neck that I love. Just untie that bow they have all tied up like crazy people. It's on sale for $8 (from $10... I know, big spender!) Also it boasts of "organic" cotton... so fancy in it's Walmart way, no?

And then I found this one from Anthropologie... pretty similar, no? I mean, yes, the one from Anthro is like the sophisticated older sister of the one above. But, it kind of confirmed my opinion that it would be a great bathing suit cover up. Plus, this one, in all it's beauty is $98. Just a mere $90 difference.

Please do discuss. Am I crazy?
By the way... it's the weekend. This was a weird week with the holiday at the beginning, but I am still ready for the weekend!