Want a looky-loo?
Let me start by saying we had a rectangle table in our very small eating area (can't really call it a 'dining room') and it just didn't work. My husband and I had bought the table before we were even married, but it held up well (thanks, IKEA!) and wasn't so bad. This is what it looked like (I don't know why the chairs aren't in the picure!):
Then I saw an ad on craigslist for this table... has potential, no? On the bottom of the listing it said they would take the table on trade for a square or rectangle table! Before I knew it, we had a deal! (here it is in process of being sanded for painting... classic "wait, I need a picture for the blog" moment!)
The table even has an extra leaf (you can see it hanging out in the background of the above picture). And was the perfect size for our family of four - or more with the leaf! Plus, it fit the scale of the dining area perfectly.
Now... ta-da! The after!
The table (or the paint job) is by no means perfect... but the table was practically free and the paint job was a tag-team effort by my husband and I. We couldn't be more thrilled after only investing about $20 in paint ("Frost" by Behr, if you are curious) and polyurethane.
I still need a rug solution... the original rug (see top picture) will work, it's just a cheap-y from IKEA though. I would love a round rug, but they seem hard to come by and expensive. Since my budget is pretty much ZERO dollars I think I am going to have to get creative with the existing. Think I could paint bold stripes on that fabric IKEA rug??? ...hmmmm.
Don't tell my husband, but I might have another project brewing! (also it's his birthday today! Happy Birthday Dear!)