From personal experience I will say that I have always walked out of J.Crew outlet store with some fab finds that are great quality for myself and my kiddos (LOVE Crewcuts!). Probably about half the J.Crew items I own are from the Factory/Outlet. I bought my husband and kids some items for Christmas from the Factory online store and hand-to-my-heart I couldn't tell the difference. And that is why I love the J.Crew Factory online store.
Is it the same quality as at a J.Crew store? No, but I would say that about 90% of the quality is there. The pieces are a little different (for instance a wool blend instead of a 100% wool sweater or blazer) and they all have different names (if you are J.Crew name snob a "Tippi" sweater won't be called that at the Factory, but it will have a very similar cut).
What it boils down to is that you are getting the J.Crew brand, the J.Crew style and for the most part the timeless J.Crew quality at a lower price point.
So blah, blah, blah... show you the goods, right? Here are my J.Crew Factory picks for pre-spring. Wear them now, wear them when the weather warms. You can't go wrong with these classic pieces! (Plus all of these pieces, except for the blazer [which is still a great price!] are under $100!!!)
(lobster sweater - LOVE!), chambray top, neon clutch, navy blazer, bow flats, garment dyed jeans, striped top, bubble necklace, tassel key chain)
What are your thoughts on the J.Crew Factory? Do you have items you love from there? Never tried it? Chime in!
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