Tuesday, February 7, 2012

my outfit: saturday!

Obvs today isn't Saturday, bummer, I know. But this is actually what I wore last Saturday and it was a perfect "Saturday" outfit.  Cozy (for naps, duh), simple for errands and soccer games and it was perfect for the gorgeous sunny day we were having with no jacket.  It was so amazing to have such warm (40's a little of  50's) and sunny weather in February - what a winter!

When I first became a stay-at-home mom I almost dreaded Saturday's a bit.  Everyone was celebrating a day "off" and I was just celebrating another day in the long string of caring-for-children days.  It didn't seem much different.  But now that my kids are getting older I am celebrating Saturday's again... no rushing out the door just to sit in traffic at the drop off line at school, no prying a timid child off my leg at preschool and no deadline to get work done.

Plus, on a usual Saturday I can get a little shut-eye in, and if you know me... you know I love a good nap.

Are you a weekend napper like me?

Scarf, Gap
Sweater, Gap - it's on sale!
Turtleneck, Old Navy
Jeans, Gap
Clogs, Ugg
Bracelets, Towne & Reese (courtesy of)
Glasses, Warby Parker "Huxley"

Here are a few other ways I've styled this leopard print scarf (one of my faves!):


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