We've got one short flight and one longer flight and for both I want my kiddos to be completely entertained at the drop of the hat (is that good or bad!?!?) - or at least be prepared for them to be. Who knows, I might get lucky and they could get a little snooze in, but if I don't (or they don't) here is what will be entertaining us and keeping us comfortable for this Eastern Standard Time Zone transfer to Pacific Time Zone.
The great North West... here we come!
1. I'll have my trusty MacBook on hand for movies... and because I never go far without it, duh!
2. & 3. My new iPhone (and likely my older version as well) with both come with us for games, games and more games! We are an Angry Birds loving family for sure!
4. My kids are just bonkers for Where's Waldo (this one is the Where's Waldo? The Ultimate Travel Collection). I'm going to be sure to pick up a few new (to us) ones from the library before we leave.
5. I absolutely always have to have a scarf on an airplane, you never know how cold it will be. This one looks summery and juuuuust perfect!
6. Have you seen Fantastic Mr. Fox? It's a family favorite and I'll be sure to have one on loan from Netflix for the trip!
7. & 9. Classic Gap hoodies (boys & girls) for the kids will be perfect light jackets for the kids to snuggle up in and the hoods will protect against rain if it happens to be raining when we land.
8. Target's brand 'Archer Farms' seems to be the best trailmix that I can find for the price around here (we don't have a Trader Joes near). So this will definitely be coming along for a snack!
10. My husband said, "what about me?" when I was writing this post. He loves to travel in his black Haviana flip flops. He has blue one's too... but I'm betting his picks his black ones (he's so predictable!).
11. I always like to make sure I have one small bag for necessities. Inside will likely be a stash of gum and lip gloss.
12. Speaking of lip gloss, this is my favorite. Plus it has lots of staying power. Perfect for flying!
What are your carry-on necessities!?!? Dish!
And also let me know if you have any tips for traveling with kids... I'm takin' 'em!