Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; And only he who sees takes off his shoes; The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
1. Little sprinkles while you are taking pictures that raise your eyes to heaven.

2. Freedom. For being able to think, write and do what I want. Women haven't always, and still don't, have even half the freedoms we have today as women. I'm thankful for women's rights.
3. Good books. There are so so many. They give me new life.
4. My husband and kids. They bring me so much joy. I need to learn to stop and enjoy them more.

5. Second chances. Whether it's just the sun coming up on a new day, or a chance to be a better mom, or a chance to be a better friend to the second chance in life this blog has given me. I'm thankful for second chances.
6. Shoes. Heaven will be full of great shoes... I'm sure of it.
7. Yummy food. My table will be full of food and people tomorrow. I can't wait. God provides.

7. Yummy food. My table will be full of food and people tomorrow. I can't wait. God provides.

8. The little things that my kids will outgrow someday, but that I don't want them to: sweaty sleepy heads, pig tails, small shoes so cute you want to keep them forever, laughing at my jokes, hugging my legs, rhyming books, chiclet teeth and never ending bruised legs.
9. My husband's hard work at his job. He's been there for almost 12 years. He works hard to make our family "work."
10. Blogs.
What are you thankful for? Happy Thanksgiving!