This series is where I offer updated and modern alternatives to the items in our closet that may be getting outdated! Ever find yourself grabbing for the same unflattering pieces in your closet? This new series is going to put an end to that! I will lay out common "go-to" items in your closet and suggest updated pieces to replace the outdated ones!

(details: Women's Coral Ruffled Bomber, Old Navy, $29.50, Washed Metal Corner Tote Bag, Topshop, $80, Tretorn Shoes, Delia's, $55.50)
As the temperatures warm up for spring are you turning to that same ratty hoody for a jacket? Spruce up your look with an updated jacket in a bold color and sophisticated fit. Are you still carrying a diaper bag even though you have no need for burp rags, bottles and pacifiers any more? Change it up with a classy but casual tote that is still big enough for all your essentials but keeps you looking more like a woman than a mom! Do you throw on gym shoes even when you aren't headed to the gym? Save those shoes for working out and chose a sleeker and trendier option without sacrificing comfort.
Do you have any ruts that you are in that you need help to get out of? Email me and I will try to feature it here! Stay tuned for more rut busting goodies here on the blog!