When I went shopping last weekend (my big spring stock up... well, not THAT big). I was careful to keep in mind the spring trends I so carefully and lovingly put together for us. Oh, what... you haven't snagged your copy of the Spring 2010 looks:book? Well, ya' better!

Keep in mind that the trends I laid out in the looks:book will integrate well with your current wardrobe (very mix and match friendly) so that you aren't completely abandoning your existing clothing... just "sprucing" your look up a bit!

Which is just what I did here. I hope you have found the looks:book (for those of you that have purchased it) to be a good inspiration and guide for spring shopping. I know I had the list running in my head when I picked up a couple new things last weekend. This top included.

Jacket, Lands End Canvas
Top, Old Navy
Belt, Gap (similar)
Jeans, F21 (similar)
Flats, Nine West (similar)
Necklace, Banana Republic (similar)