Remember... good LOOK for less wardrobe consults are 50% off until Sunday night! So email me if you are interested or have questions. (goodlifeforless @
Then I will NOT BE TAKING ANY ORDERS for one week or so while I re-work the good LOOK for less concept and launch a new program/service - good look for less v2.0!

I have lots of ideas on how I will be changing the service for what I hope is better for my readers and for my longer term goals here at the blog. I will need some "Guinea pigs" for the new program too - so keep your ears open for a chance to test out the new consult system!
While I finalize details feel free to email me or leave a comment on how you think the good LOOK for less consults could better serve you! I ALWAYS want your input, I really value it! Especially if you are a past client... how could you benefit more from the service?
Until then... Happy Weekend! Make it a fun one, there is so much fun fall stuff going on!
(photo via Flickr)