Finding pieces in our wardrobe that can transition through the seasons well is a great way to not only justify adding pieces to your wardrobe near the change of seasons... but is also a great way to shop and invest in clothing in general. One of my favorite fashion "exercises" on polyvore is to take one piece and feature it in three different outfits. I prefer to wear my clothes in a variety of different ways. You'll never see me with the same shirt/pants/accessory combinations. That is part of the fun of fashion! Here I took a really simple top from
ruche (LOVE RUCHE!) and featured outfits for winter, spring and summer. All with one top!
blue top: winter, spring, summer - by Jill GG on Polyvore.comThe fun of dressing this way is in the accessories! Spend more on accessories (at least that is what I like to do) and less on gobs of clothes that you will only wear a couple of times. All of the bottoms in these outfits are items you likely have in your closet already (or should!): jeans, classic white pant, bermuda shorts. Then by adding different handbags, shoes and jewelry you easily have three completely different outfits!