1. Can I just have one of each of the ankle zip toothpick jeans from J.Crew? (sigh)
2. Took the kids to Disney on Ice for a fun family night out. Is it just me or are they getting cuter?
3. I like to post pictures of outfits to Instagram for feedback when I am feeling indecisive. It's just like having a best friend in the room with you to ask.
4. This book (Bringing Up Bebe: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting
) SERIOUSLY rocked my parenting world. Read it, read it, read it! I wish I had read it years ago (although I don't think it was written then). It's has forever changed my view on parenting and in turn has made our family better. I can't gush enough about it.
1. A vintage scale I found while antiquing. I didn't buy it, but I'm going back for it later this week and if it is still there then it is meant to be. I think it will be the perfect touch to our new kitchen.
2. We had a lot of fun mixing up some new drinks in honor of Mad Men's return.
3. Speaking of our new kitchen... here is a peek. My husband has one last teensy-weensy finishing touch to complete (baseboards...) and then I will take nice pictures and fill you guys in on all the goodies!
4. And moving right along on the home renovations... we just purchased this gorgeous new tile for the kids bathroom. My husband just finished gutting that room and the next step is to choose a paint color and get these babies installed. (here is a peek at my initial thoughts/vibe for the room, obvs the tile selection already changed... so it's going to be one wild ride!)
1. My daughter loves to dig out this old picture of yours truly. Circa... hmmm... 1984/1985? Mom? Help here? How old do you think I was?
2. After a blogging slump last week I was back in the swing of things this week... fueled by Starbucks of course.
3. My son writing funny messages on the iPad. This one says "wot the hek" - translation: What the heck? All I have to say about that is "What the heck?" (and I wonder where he gets his sense of humor from)
4. Another outfit that didn't make the blog... and a very messy kitchen/dining room to boot!
That me in a nutshell these days. Well, not a IN a nutshell. But, you know.