I really, really doubted finding something to wear this morning... like, wow. But, hello!?!? How easy is this outfit? And how ready am I to be done with the Challenge? Like, really.
This Challenge is like kryptonite for style bloggers... it can show your flaws in an instant. While I am mostly pleased with all the outfits I have put together - there are definitely some that wouldn't have made the blog-cut if it weren't for the Challenge. But the upside to that is it's added some much needed "real-ness" to the blog world. It's often so easy to only post the good stuff, the inspired stuff, the good hair days, that happy-snappy stuff. But we all know life isn't all happy-snappy-good-hair-days. We can dream that it is, but it's not. Some of the days I didn't even feel like smiling in the pictures. gah.
One more outfit left to go... check back tomorrow, although I am not making any promises on greatness.