It wasn't that easy... it was more like "blog magic" - you know, similar to "tv magic" (ie. women climbing out of bed looking "naturally" gorgeous, problems disappearing over commercial breaks, and my personal favorite: happy endings). But back to "blog magic" - the tunic has been on my mind for a while... as has THIS post... and I ordered this online and voila, just happened to wear it the day following posting about it.

Although I wish it was some kind of "The Secret" moment of me putting it out in the universe and then magically finding it in my closet the next day.

But alas, behind the blog scenes isn't quite so magical. But online shopping sometimes feel magical... doesn't it? Okay, now I am getting carried away (but, shhh, it does a teensy bit, still).

Isn't the detailing fab for Old Navy, though? I think this is supposed to be a beach cover up - which it will work very well for also - here I just layered it up with some accessories and it's the exact warm-weather look I was going for.
Tunic, Old Navy
Necklace, Charlotte Russe
Jeans, Seven for all Mankind
Belt, Gap (similar)
Shoes, ? (Target or Steve Madden, not sure) (similar)