Wednesday, March 8, 2017

diy the trend: splatter paint!

I'm kicking off a fun new DIY series here on the blog... I hope you love it as much as I loved pulling it together!  If you know me in real life you know that I can be quite creative... but crafty, um, not so much. I feel like when I was younger I was daring and creative and crafty and as life got busy and responsiblities stacked up, I've lost a lot of that.  Which is kind of sad, isn't it?! Maybe you feel the same way?  But I often see new trends and think, I could DIY that SO easy... but then I get lazy and just don't.

This new DIY series is for the LAZY or totally UNCRAFTY person.  Which is totally me.  Maybe it's you too? This series will involve minimal supplies, easy to find supplies, super easy prep and hands on time with a "all the hearts in the eyes" product.  You in? I know I am!  I have a couple of REALLY fun projects lined up (or already completed!) to show you gals!  

This spring I've noticed the splatter paint trend popping up all over the place.  Especially at one of my favorite retailers: J.Crew.  I am TOTALLY on board with this trend. I think it's the perfect amount of whimsy for spring. But the minute I saw this trend, I was like "why buy it!?!?"  The trend will likely be short and the pieces may not be lifelong wardrobe classics.  Those two things together make for a perfect DIY storm.  I just found some previously loved tops that were destined for the "donate" pile, some paint samples I had laying around (or you can get some for about $5 at the hardware store) and some brushes and got to work!  This project was a RIOT... I went in my basement and started splattering paint while the kids were at school one afternoon and it was a total blast!  Read on for more of my tips on how to make it successful....

Tips for DIYing the splatter paint trend:

1) Find some previously loved shirts, shorts, jackets or jeans that you are okay with permanently changing.  These two tops were on their way to the "donate" pile for being nearly thread-bare in spots.  Which is perfect... they will likely last as long as this trend ;)
2. Gather some paint supplies... I had TONS of paint samples laying around from our recent home renovations. But you can get sample sizes of paint from any hardware store for about $5. I used pale pink and white together! But go wild with your color selection.  I suggest adding a few tablespoons of water to the paint sample and then shaking it vigorously before starting.  
3. I put old magazines/catalogs rolled up in the sleeves to splatter, that way I could get the front & back of the sleeve. Make sure you also put a layer of cardboard or newspaper between the front and back of the piece of clothing too.
4. Splatter away! Try your technique on newspaper first to see what you like... then go wild! It's really fun!  
5. Let it dry over night and then sport your new trendy splatter paint piece with pride! Keep in mind you will likely want to avoid ironing and machine washing/drying after you paint it. It's a work of art! Treat it as such!

Not into DIYing this trend!?!?!  Shop it here instead...


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