Friday, October 7, 2011

what to wear: weekend!

We are in an absolutely cray-cray heat wave right now!  It's supposed to be in the mid-80's today. Whoa, that's like 30 degrees warmer than last week! I'll take it though... especially with the leaves changing and the perfectly blue skies.  It's a gift from heaven and a good last call for some vitamin D here in the midwest.  I might *might* even sneak out the old denim shorts for another romp.  Only time will tell...

ps, how are you liking layered necklaces lately!?!? I feel like I am working up to them, mentally that is.
pps, Essie strikes again with this AMAZING new fall color "carry on" - I'm wearing it as I type! Gorg!
ppps, I'm so hard to read on the moccasin thing, huh!?! I only post about them every other day! Ha!

So DISH, what are you wearing this weekend?

pppps, Luxe Lotto RETURNS tomorrow!  And you are going to flip!


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