Tuesday, April 30, 2019

reading/watching/listening this month...

Any one else feel like this month just FLEW by? Wow! It's May tomorrow already friends. I didn't read near as much as I usually do in a month and felt like I could FEEL it.  If you are an avid reader can you FEEL when you aren't spending as much time with books? Reading is such a stress relief  and calming activity for me.  And ironically when I most need it - when life gets busy - it's the first thing to go.  I already feel like I am getting back in to the swing of it these past two weeks versus the beginning of the month, so I'm on the up and up!  Also last month I was able to listen to some audio books and this month I started a few and didn't get into them so that was a BOMB, I'm still hoping to get into more of a rhythm with audio books but it's not coming easily.

What I read this month...

The Gown: A Novel of the Royal Wedding... I have to admit that I REALLY wanted to love this book, but in the end I only liked it. I will read anything and everything about the Royal family so I certainly am glad I read it, but it wasn't my favorite. Maybe I had overhyped it in my head because I was on the library waiting list for 3 months? I loved the characters but found the storyline quite predictable and and a little cheesy.  The two story lines follow two women working as embroiders on Princess Elizabeth's (now Queen Elizabeth) wedding dress and one woman in present day that is working to figure out some family secrets from the past. Told from multiple points of view this book is engaging and interesting but also such "textbook" historical fiction with too many "convenient" circumstances to unpack the mystery of the past. Would I pass on this book if I had to do it all over again? No. Am I glad I got it free from the library? 110%. Looking for more juicy Royal reads? I love The Royal We, The Royals and of course a good repeat or first time binge of The Crown is perfect after you read all about the wedding dress!

One Day in December... This is the PERFECT summer rom-com read so put it on your beach to-be-read list stat! When the main character Laurie makes eye contact with a perfect stranger through a bus window in London she knows it's love at first sight. She spends the next year searching London high and low for him and when she finally tracks hime down again he has turned up as her BFFs new boyfriend. This beautiful love saga between Laurie and her "soulmate" continues over the next 10 years. I flew through this book it was such a page turner! If you are looking for more rom-coms like this one I highly suggest Taylor Jenkins Reids' books, especially One True Loves, Maybe in Another Life and/or Forever Interupted. And if you want your heart ripped out in the best way possible the love story in The Light We Lost is the best. Ever.

The Subway Girls... In classic historical fiction fashion this story follows two storylines, one in 1949 and one in 2018. In both storylines we have strong female leads whose stories are brought together by The Subway Girls campaign from the 1940's and 50's that featured women in advertisements for the New York City MTA. I really loved both storylines, the love stories, the history, all of it. This is a book I was pleasantly surprised by!  I highly recommend it!  This book reminded me of the historical fiction work of Fiona Davis - I've loved ALL of her books so if you are looking for similar reads definitely add her books to your to-be-read list.

What I listened to this month...

I found this Goop Podcast "How Does Childhood Stress Manifest in Adulthood?" so fascinating! There is a lot to unpack here but I thought it was so eye opening from both the point of view of being a child of my parents and also being a parent to my children.  I'm also on the waitlist for the guest's Gabor Maté's book Hold on to Your Kids which looks like a great read in the parenting genre.

I knew Trader Joe's had their own podcast, but I hadn't ever listened to it. Then I heard from two different people that the Trader Joe's podcast on plants and flowers (which is my favorite thing to buy at TJ's) was great. So I gave it a listen and then pretty much binged all the other TJ podcasts.  They are SO interesting, especially if you are a TJ regular. Plus they have some great tips on how to buy wine at TJs, new products coming soon and how they source products.

And lastly my son told me to the download the new Khalid album because he thought I would like it (cutest 14 year old son moment EVER!). So of course I took his advice and I agree. It's really good.

What I'm reading now...

I just started The Debutante on a recommendation from a reader on Instagram and I am really enjoying it. It's easy and fun to read. Often when I'm coming off a reading slump I just crave easy books. I also read The Perfume Collector by this same author and really enjoyed it - so if you haven't read that one yet I recommend it!

I also have The Husband Hour and The Editor from the library - so I will report back if either of those turn out to be winners!


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