About three years ago I made a promise to myself to start investing in quality handbags from there on out. A gorgeous handbag isn't always an easy acquisition. If you are on a budget you really have to shop the sales and be mindful about your purchase. But I honestly believe it is one of the best investments you can make for your wardrobe. Once you own a beautiful leather bag that is butter soft and looks and feels luxurious, you will know you can never go back! Not to mention that a high quality leather bag will last nearly forever. So it's an investment that definitely pays off. Especially when you stick to classic colors and shapes that live through the trends.
These are a few of my favorites styles that I rely heavily upon in my wardrobe. I don't own a ton of handbags but the ones I do own I absolutely LOVE.
What is your favorite handbag style? Do you believe in investing in quality handbags too?
(on another noteā¦ I have a girlfriend that got one of these and says she'll never carry another bag besides it - do you agree?)