Originally this outfit started out as just the boots, jeans and grey sweater. But then when I got home from the gym (I get dressed at the gym a lot... which also poses very distinct challenges, like if you don't like your outfit you are stuck with it and don't even get me started on when you forget something *important*) I realized my outfit was boring and I was freezing. So I went back to my closet for layers and lots of them.

Added to boring sweater was a white button up (underneath), a light-weight (but very warm!) puffer vest, and a scarf. You can never be too warm in these parts. Unless you are vacuuming. Then I sweat all kinds. But that's off topic.

What's keeping you warm lately? Anything particular?
Sweater, Gap
White Top, Gap (similar)
Puffer Vest, Gap
Scarf, World Market (similar)
Jeans, Seven for all Mankind (similar)
Boots, Ugg