Overall it was a casual night... fun and sweet. So as far as attire went, there was no reason to dress up too much... and really, I'm not much of a dresser-upper. (Though I am the first one to complain that I never have "fancy" clothes in my closet, but truth be told, I wouldn't be that likely to wear them even if I did - the conundrum of being a mom I guess)

What I love is the juxtaposition of the velvet and sequins (just a few on the top... it was a date after all!) with the distressing in the jeans. I love being understated and unexpected at the same time.

How do you like to dress for dates? Casual chic or dressed to the nines?
Blazer, JCrew
Top, Forever 21 (similar)
Scarf, Limited (similar)
Jeans, Forever 21 (similar)
Boots, MICHAEL Michael Kors (similar)