Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July Outfit Round Up!

Not a lot of outfit photos were taken in July... It can be very hard to keep up with during the summer.  BUT, these were some fun outfits!  I don't know why a lot of them were in pants... I felt like I spent the entire month in shorts!


I can't believe that the summer is almost over... and when I was going through my closet the other day, I couldn't believe how a few of my favorite summer pieces haven't even been worn much these past two months.  So for August I am doing a 30x30 Challenge!

I've done them twice in the past and while they are a challenge, it is fun to use and re-use the pieces that you love and find new ways of wearing them as you go along.  I'm doing it a little different this time though!  While my outfits will appear from time to time in "outfit posts" here on the blog (like they usually do) the ENTIRE 30x30 Challenge will be documented on Instagram and available DAILY (up to the minute what I am wearing posts) on BOTH Instagram (user: JillGG) and good life's Facebook page.  So follow me at those two places to see how the challenge is going down!  And just to remind you... the 30x30 challenge is where I take 30 items (tops, bottoms, dresses, jackets, shoes) and remix them for 30 days - so 30 outfits!

I'm starting the challenge TOMORROW, August 1!  So watch tonight or tomorrow for photos of the pieces I'll be including in the challenge to be posted on Facebook and Instagram!

Hey, and feel free to join me if you are up for a little challenge!


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