Friday, August 3, 2012

weekend (nautical) style!

This weekend is the big Coast Guard Festival in Grand Haven... if you live in West Michigan you've probably heard of it or been there.  We haven't been to the festival in a while (and even then, it was briefly) but the kids are to the age where they are begging to go and my brother-in-law and sister-in-law will be out there so we will join them at the beach and then maybe head into the festival for an elephant ear, corn dog or fresh squeezed lemonade - my love for fair food has NO bounds!  Besides bad (read: good) food... it's an all around homage and fete to the our Nation's Coast Guard which plays a huge roll even here in the Great Lakes region.  Plus, there are big boats to tour - which is any kids dream!

If you are in West Michigan... will you be heading out to the Festival?  I figured a nautical outfit is definitely required! (although, I'll be choosing an outfit from my 30 items!)


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